Saturday, 20 June 2015

Summer Placement 2015 Week 3

The class teacher I've been working with this week has been ill so consequently I've been given much more teaching responsibility. Tuesday- Thursday I've taught English and mathematics following the teachers lesson plans.

One lesson in particular that did go well was Wednesdays maths lesson where I introduced algebra to most of the children. I felt by the end of the lesson the most of the children had a basic understanding on what algebra is and hopefully when the teacher goes through it again in 2 weeks time they'll prove me right! The only issue was with the lesson was that because it's a Year 4/5/6 class the year 6's already had a good understanding of algebra so they were instructed to sit with the younger children and reinforce what I was teaching. Some of these year 6's seemed to get bored of this quickly and I was under the impression that others were just giving the answers to the younger kids. This is one clear issue with having a class with such a range of ages.

In the English lessons we were looking at adjectives and used them to describe characters in Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, underline adjectives in an extract from the book and finally we made fathers day cards with adjectives that describes their dad's on a word cloud on the front (where we had major problems with the kids laptops!)

At times I'm still struggling to get the children listening when I want an input after I've set them off with a task but it has definitely improved with practice from last week.

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