Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Daily Mile

A few days back on the morning news I learnt about a school up country implementing a "daily mile" to their school day. The story behind this being that someone accused the students at the school of being unfit so the staff decided to get the students to run around the field for a mile. They couldn't so the school decided to carry this on each day to get improve fitness levels.

The school I'm currently on placement at (Cockwood) today had their first "daily mile". The whole school (foundation- Year 6) had 15 minutes to move how ever they wanted around the school green at the end of the day. They also had to think about why their best friend was their best friend as they went (implementing PSHE) and feedback at the end.

The children could move around the edge of the field how ever they wanted with some walking, others jogging and most running trying to get the most laps. It was a great experience to be part of with the staff at the school even joining in with the kids. Some children we having mini races with each other and some were jogging a little bit and then slowing down to have a chat with their friends. I thought this is a great way for children to improve their fitness levels as well as blowing off some steam at the end of the school day.

However, this was the first one, it would be interesting to see if the school manages to keep this going over a period of time and to see if the children will still be enjoying it. The other issue being that it took in just over half an hour for this to be completed as the teachers had to get the children down to the school field (which is down the road) and back up after the mile. The time it takes for the children to get there and back should improve with time and I hope it does because the children seemed to really enjoy it!  

Saturday, 20 June 2015

Summer Placement 2015 Week 3

The class teacher I've been working with this week has been ill so consequently I've been given much more teaching responsibility. Tuesday- Thursday I've taught English and mathematics following the teachers lesson plans.

One lesson in particular that did go well was Wednesdays maths lesson where I introduced algebra to most of the children. I felt by the end of the lesson the most of the children had a basic understanding on what algebra is and hopefully when the teacher goes through it again in 2 weeks time they'll prove me right! The only issue was with the lesson was that because it's a Year 4/5/6 class the year 6's already had a good understanding of algebra so they were instructed to sit with the younger children and reinforce what I was teaching. Some of these year 6's seemed to get bored of this quickly and I was under the impression that others were just giving the answers to the younger kids. This is one clear issue with having a class with such a range of ages.

In the English lessons we were looking at adjectives and used them to describe characters in Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, underline adjectives in an extract from the book and finally we made fathers day cards with adjectives that describes their dad's on a word cloud on the front (where we had major problems with the kids laptops!)

At times I'm still struggling to get the children listening when I want an input after I've set them off with a task but it has definitely improved with practice from last week.

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Summer Placement 2015 Week 2

This week I've finally got involved with some whole class teaching. On Thursday my placement partner and myself took a computing lesson. The aim of the lesson was to learn some basic programming skills with the help from a new piece of tech called "Pop Kits". Pop Kits look similar on the iPad to Scratch but instead of programming a game to program physical components like making a light with a switch. The lesson went fairly well with the children meeting the objective which was for them to create a code to make a door bell. However, at times I found it difficult to bring the class back together when I wanted them to give feedback and because the school only had 4 of  the "Pop Kits" some children said they didn't get much of a go.

The day after I repeated this lesson on my own with the 7 children who missed the lesson the day before. This went much better as it was easier to get their attention and they had enough Pop Kits around so everyone got a go.

I've learnt that I need to practice getting a classes attention faster and the it is important to have enough of a resource to go around (although this wasn't my fault in this case!)

Monday, 8 June 2015

Summer Placement 2015 Week 1

For my summer placement I've been placed in a tiny tiny school in Dawlish called Cockwood. The school only has just over 90 children in 3 classes  which are Foundation and Year 1, Years 2,3 and lower ability Year 4 and the class I'm working in higher Year 4, 5 and 6.

This week I've mainly been making observations of the children and their teacher but I have taken some responsibility in the class by taking the register and taking individual children for reading. I want to take more responsibilities in week 2 and I think that me and my partner are going to take a computing lesson using "Pop Kit".

Out of the normal school day I have also attended a staff meeting and was surprised how much this small school has going on. I have also gone with a teacher and the schools "Digital Leaders" to a showcase where they presented their K'NEX London Tower Bridge project which they had programmed to move up and down. There were some other cool projects here which included a school showing off their school radio show, I even got interviewed by a couple of children on air! On Friday I went with the class to their first tennis coaching session which the kids and myself really enjoyed.

Thoroughly looking forward to the next 4 weeks!